Having complained that my blog reader had been inundated with what appeared to be two cloned posts the twentieth issue of 032c is the perfect antidote. Now, it is time to step away from the seemingly ever present and comforting glow of the computer screen and instead focus my gaze on the two hundred and sixty four pages. What began as a DIY, experiment exploring the possibilities of print has grown in to an archetypal magazine that effortlessly fuses art, culture and fashion in a lip smackingly good cocktail. The intelligence and freshness of its content is always something to savour and this issue is thankfully no different. Highlights include (deep breath) a forty page dossier on Rei Kawakubo, a closer look at Acy'teryx's efforts of pushing performance wear forward with its new line Veilance, Rem Koolhaas dicsussing Moscow's new Strelka Institute, David Simon talks anger and the American city while 032c’s latest Select presents the best of this season’s books, products, and ideas.
The twentieth issue of 032c offers welcome relief to the printed culture ennui that most of us have felt in recent years. It is the very antithesis of the quick flick through before throwaway publications that are struggling on the newstands. Now, it is time for another cup of tea and read.
The twentieth issue of 032c offers welcome relief to the printed culture ennui that most of us have felt in recent years. It is the very antithesis of the quick flick through before throwaway publications that are struggling on the newstands. Now, it is time for another cup of tea and read.
i'm sold. always quite exciting to find new magazines
If you aren't satisfied then I take full responsibility.
Nice china!
Agreeing here with Michael. Very nice china Steve!
Michael and Brandon Acton-Bond: Thanks, I would invite you over for tea but we only have two of these fancy cups!
we'll have to take it turns I guess. I'll bring some Kusmi tea!
I've seen 032c and I don't know about it...I'll definitely revisit it now, but must admit I wasn't initially captivated :/ I just read about it in a book on editorial design though so it must be "of note"! By the way, I just did a post on this awesome bookstore here in Basel (http://bit.ly/domushaus) that had a great design book and magazine selection and I'd love any feedback from someone so knowledgable! I don't think many of my readers know what I'm talking about or shooting pics of, haha.
I picked up the last issue and absolutely loved it. Will have to make sure to hunt this one down too!
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