The title of this post is not a typo. In all seriousness
Teen Vogue has been one my guilty pleasures ever since I first borrowed a copy from Susie during our 'courting period'. Whilst she was blogging like a maniac I was left twiddling my thumbs (this was before Style Salvage) so I picked up an issue and was impressed by the refreshing quality of the editorials. If you are laughing at this point, I will try and persuade you that I am indeed right and not mad. I accept that I am not the target audience of this magazine, I concede that I am neither American or indeed a teenage girl but does this really matter? As I flick through the magazine or sneak-a-peek over Susie's shoulder I always take notice of the editorials. The relaxed photography, the well chosen, healthy looking models and the combination of labels used always surprises and dare I say it, inspires me somewhat.

As the sunshine which I was beginning to get used to seems to have left us here in London my mind is full of dreams of travel and this World Traveller editorial taps right in to it and so I thought I just had to confess this guiltiest of pleasures to you all. I guess my magazine addiction is out of control...
I can't agree with you more on Teen Vogue. It is one of the best American mags out which goes to show you the garbage we have here, that a teen mag takes the cake!
Love the blog!
I just wish it could be limited to fashion... I hate the articles of women/girl's magazines!!! That "suggestion of the psichologist" kind of stuff.
I've always thought that they have nice editorials. They are young, bright, and peppy, but still fashionable. Also love that they shoot "couples".
This post really put a smile on my face. But come to think of it, if it is cool for women to take inspiration in menswear, wouldn't it even be cooler if men took inspiration from women's fashion editorials?
Teen Vogue also deserves respect for first teaching me how to bake red velvet cupcakes.
I'll be eternally thankful.
Don't feel bad about the Teen Vogue-ing, Steve. I've got a stash myself, which Thomas doesn't quite agree with.
theres nuthing better than teen vogue
I am in my late 30s and a big fan of Teen Vogue. It's style and sense of happiness never fails to amaze me. I just wish it had been around when I was a teen.
Just days ago I flipped through the same editorial at work, and thought to myself, "Wow, this is pretty neat! His shoes, cuffed pants, carefree youthful spirit leaping through world travels is something I definitely can appreciate. And part of me was shameful, because I, too, enjoy Teen Vogue spreads.
It's nice to know you're not alone.
P.S. Don't tell dad!
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