I heard rumours that Polaroid would stop producing instant film for some time but now it seems it is true! I currently have three Polaroid cameras sitting on my mantlepiece at home, all loaded with film and ready to go. I adore the medium, I feel that it takes the most beautiful images without too much graft. I was fortunate enough to purchase quite a few packets of film whilst I was in New York (where it seemed readily avaliable and of course much cheaper), ordinarliy though I visit Unsaleable. I could and indeed have spent so much money on this site because the cameras are so beautiful and the film so varied and wonderful! I did however notice a subsidary site, soup and fish. soup & fish is a start-up internet platform and online shop for contemporary Austrian and international fashion. They show interesting developments and trends in avantgarde fashion design. Their work has two goals: To make well chosen pieces out of past collections of international designers available to and affordable for a new audience; and to introduce young Austrian fashion designers to the international public - showing their individual unique pieces and small or limited collections. In my opinion the shop has more to offer in womenswear at the moment but I will keep on coming back to see how the menswear developes.

Sand-coloured hunting waistcoat by Martin Margiella
Grey/beige plaid/herringbone wool coat by Victor&Rolf
Now i'm off to stock up on film...
1 comment:
The day after I bought four polaroid cameras from the thrift shop I got this news!! :( I will have to stock up as well!
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