Oh Jürgen, you fought so hard. The black trousers, extraordinarily crisp white shirt look seemed to be your uniform for that campaign, and you wore it so well. Men! Learn this lesson: if you're going to fold up your sleeves (and by all means do so, it looks fantastic), make it super neat. Oh, and Joachim Löw, don't think I haven't noticed you ripping this look off wholesale. Bravo!
Well this is certainly a personal style point. I've never been a short sleeve dress shirt person, but I roll and push the long sleeves up all the time...way cooler I think. Folding is just too buttoned up for my taste.
And as for the game, I really hated to see Italy fold and their coach get the ax...he had such great suits.
oh my god.... i thought they planned to look the same.
everyone is going crazy here in germany, it's my first european championship, and yeah...
Gosh I loved them when they were together watching our national team play at the WM. Löw is sort of hot, too.
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