It is great to see so many men submitting their daily looks on w_r. I must admit that I spend far too much of my time at work exploring and commenting across the site. Despite, this time consuming and addictive exercise, I still have time in my busy day to check up on my favourites though and I came across the above image on thesartorialist, it has to be my favourite image for some time. The chap on the right looks very familiar but with this shot we have a whole new element...I wonder what they are talking about....
i saw this photo on sat last night, i was exciting when i first saw it just because its perfect. i was also watching desperately seeking susan at the same time, some of the extra it that reminded me of this photo.
Jay: Hello good friend I have come here on my very chic scooter and...what is that around your neck?
Quinn: It is my garlic. I am off to fight vampires. Das Vampyr. Nosferatu.
Jay: Are you fighting them in some zoot suit club?
Quinn: Yes. They are Squirrel Nut Zipper fans.
I love the chunky skull beads
These men do have very nice styles.
the guy on the right was on garance dore a while back. as a pair they are just too elegantly parisian to be true. i want to ride away into the sunset with him on his very chic scooter...
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