Dear readers! 2009 is as good a reason as any to make some changes and to look ahead. Nothing too drastic, don't you worry. We will be cutting down a little on the more 'news' type posts, mostly because we feel that so many other blogs do this already while other facets of men's style blogging are somewhat under represented (we will still be commenting on some news items though!). We'll be posting more links to that sort of thing (and a whole load of other crap) over on our twitter account so if you aren't following us, please do.
So what WILL we be writing about? We're hoping to do a lot more interviews and have a few up our sleeves for the New Year but if you have any requests or recommendations of who we should be interviewing then please let us know... Steve will be discussing the AW 09 shows with Thom of The Sunday Best while EJ will be largely ignoring them... We WILL start writing that shop guide (the form of which is still undecided but it will cover both online and physical boutiques...even outside of London)... We'll continue discussing the looks we love and the films/videos/photos that inspire us... We'll be posting more varied outfit shots and dressing up that little bit more... We'll be providing more magazine reviews... and we'll be doing so much more, the ideas for which have yet to form in our tiny little minds...
All in all 2008 was a good year but 2009 should be even sweeter, Happy New Year to you all.
Glad to see you're branching out and reinventing. It's so important (especially in a world of 20,000 fashion blogs!)
Good luck in the coming year!
Happy new year :o)...keep up the good job guys....
Good luck with the new direction. Have a good one.
The dressing up and fashion shots are what I like most about this blog. Do that more and I will definitely keep coming back. Awesome looks.
Happy New Year.
Can't wait for more in 2009!
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