In the spirit of Goldilocks Tommy described the above look to be 'just rrright' and declared his intent to invest in a low cut pair of monochrome dr. martens. I've not owned a pair of DMs for about fifteen years now but I have enjoyed the brands (relatively) recent resurgence and have appreciated their collaborative work over the last few years. On this old school favourite, today's Guardian magazine stated that 'even Raf Simons can't persuade us on this 80s come back trend. Shoes for sixth form sulking and nowt else' - the magazine is a joy to read but I frequently disagree with their style content and I shake my head at their words once again.
The above shot demonstrates that the somewhat clumpy shoes can look good, albeit helped by the cuffed jean styling and a truly beautiful, slightly distressed bag. I want, nay need, that bag. Once again a street style blog has offered me more inspiration and reason to salivate over my keyboard...I think I will have to make the 'Street Style Induced Salivation' a regular feature because it is happening to me all too often lately.
The above shot demonstrates that the somewhat clumpy shoes can look good, albeit helped by the cuffed jean styling and a truly beautiful, slightly distressed bag. I want, nay need, that bag. Once again a street style blog has offered me more inspiration and reason to salivate over my keyboard...I think I will have to make the 'Street Style Induced Salivation' a regular feature because it is happening to me all too often lately.
that one is indeed euphoric.
The bag is particularly comely.
/Male Mode.
Love the bag.
I did laugh at the measures words on DMs but yep you've proved them wrong - although i did think they were warning girls off!
i loving it!
Yum yummy...
this shot is just great, very well pulled off. my gfs got lots of dr martens and alot of my friends have too but ive never had a pair as i don't think they suit me. maybe the shoe versions would though. it's a thinker
I too am partial to a chair. Current outfit/the next days goes on it, along with the interchangeable belt etc.
Unfortunately in our flat, despite my investing heavily in a MASSIVE ikea wardrobe and chest of drawers, we still don't have enough room for all our clothes. I say "our" clothes... I actually have half the hanging space and ONE drawer, Is has 9 drawers and hanging space, and we still don't have room. I am impressed at Susie's insistence on hanging things up though. Maybe next time Is leaves something lying around I can say "but Susie Bubble says you should hang all your clothes up in the wardrobe!"?
Oh forgot to mention, we do have summer clothes boxed away too! More out of necessity than anything else.
The idea of "building your wardrobe" reminds me of a set of guidelines I read in an old tailors book, about the minimum number of suits a man should have, I'll see if I can find it and post it.
gotta love the bag!!
The bag has a nice vintage feel to it
DMs are in the same class as Uggs!
Why are the newspapers so behind? Love my DMs. Love that bag.
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