OK, I should warn you in advance that this is a slightly strange post but welcome to the inner thoughts of my odd, little mind....I picked up the latest issue of
Monocle earlier this evening and as I was flicking through the pages somewhat excitedly over my Mocha in a crowded coffee chain I encountered the sight of an old friend on the back cover. Sean Connery is the second grandad I've always wished I had so it is always nice to see him now and again. Here he stars in the new
Louis Vuitton ad shot by Annie
Leibovitz and tonight was the first time that I've seen it. I have grown up with the best James Bond ageing very well indeed whilst he starred in some great films and a number of bad ones. In the shot taken close to his Bahamas home, Connery is the picture of masculine cool - I wish I look this good when I reach 78. Mr. Connery if you are reading this, you can give me a
Werther's Original anytime.
Those old Werther's ads were creepy.
They certainly were but surely they wouldn't be if Connery was the old chap? Despite the creepy ads, I am fond of the butterscotch toffee sweets.
Brilliant - this is so much better than the Madonna ad. I'd happily have a Werther's Original anytime too!
Hope you enjoyed the drinks in the staff room last nigth. Nice to have meet you.
isn't this ad the last season one?
Fran: The first I heard of it was an article on WWD back in October...Last night was the first time I've seen it but then again I don't tend to buy the magazines titles which have LV ads in them...In all honesty, I just like this image, this isn't a news post.
"Have a schweety shon"
Connery would make an excellent rougue of a grandad. Christmas would be mucu more exciting.
Shame its an LV ad.
much* (fat fingers)
it is an without a doubt an interesting image and also a very clever marketing one indeed - i mean he symbolizes the ideal LV man, target wise i mean. no doubt about.
by the way i wasnt critizing.
keep up the good work.
...was this more what you were thinking?
Oh my god, John, that's amazing!
Note to self: must get better at photoshopping.
It needs some sort of slogan though, don't you think?
Fran: I didn't think you were criticising, sorry if my response came across that way!
John: Wow, who knew we had such talented readers!? Awesome stuff. As for slogan, the simple ones work best...'Come over a have a schweety son' will certainly do for now.
He certainly does! His appearance in Hitchock's Marnie was one remarkable film for me.
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