Wednesday 1 October 2008

Buck to the Future

My magazine addiction has long been documented. I've always been a consumer of those glossy and not so glossy (depending on my mood and what I can get my hands on) pages. Despite there being a number of personal favourites (talking of which I'm still in the hunt for the latest issue of Fantastic Man), the men's style magazine market is somewhat undernourished...there are some undeniably great bi annuals and quarterlies published but my stomach is more often than not left rumbling on a month by month basis...The lads mags I grew up with are still on the shelf but they haven't been added to or pushed forward, even though the interest in menswear has and for this reason alone I'm sure that there is an untapped market out there. A young pretender is about to enter the fray - BUCK. BUCK is a new monthly men's style magazine that will be on sale from late October (in the meantime go and have a look at the site) and will feature the three f's - fashion, furniture and food. The focus will be on promoting new talent with up and coming bands, artists and designers featured every month talking about their own style and tastes. I hope it is a success. Surely there are people outside the confines of the M25 who are interested in the Topman Lens collection (has any noticed the new look Topman site?), upcoming designers like Charlie Ross and the bstore pop up store? If it is a roaring success, who knows maybe I'll publish a magazine with EJ, it would have to be a secret love child of a publication....with the not so proud parents being the Face and Fantastic Man.


(ray)mond said...

i've never been too drawn to get a hold of fantastic man; but i guess i shouldn't discount it. that tom ford cover, though; the photo kind of makes me grimmace.

StyleSalvage said...

Mond - I am a mass consumer of magazines and for me Fantastic Man is a cut above. What's your favourite read?

Anonymous said...

I won't lie, I'm a sucker for GQ. Has to be English though, the American version sucks.

Style Salvage Steve said...

modernaged - You are so biased but I have a soft spot for GQ as well. I find both the British and US versions to be a little hit and miss but when they are good, both can be extremely good. I have to finger through them in Borders before I actally buy them. To think I used to get chased out of newsagents for doing just that as a Borders it is almost actively encouraged to try before you buy.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of the UK GQ as the editor seems to be a major Cameron fan. He's even written a sycophantic book about him.

The US versions of GQ and Esquire tend to be very Maxim-like in their execution and seem to have dumbed themselves down in order to gain readers.

Buck looks good though, I'll definitely pick up a copy when it comes out.

Style Salvage Steve said...

Jason - I see your point. I'm not interested in reading politics within a magazine, save that for the newspapers! It wasn't that long ago though that GQ were back Blair...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I am totally biased :P. However, it meant a lot to me growing up. Between GQ and my record collection, it was my window to Britain. Also formed my personal style. Music and fashion -- permanently intertwined?

StyleSalvage said...

Modernaged - The simple answer is yes. I can see the attraction with GQ, it was the first magazine where I actually took notice of the menswear. Good luck with Mr Jones tomorrow.

TheSundayBest said...

The American GQ has been pleasantly good as of late, to the point that I actually subscribed.

Fantastic Man, however, is fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Well at least there's a new men's lifestyle publication on the rise. I hope its promising.

With all your enthusiasm over Fantastic Man, I should really extend my arms and find a copy.Hopefully a holiday is just around the corner so I could purchase one.

As for GQ, I'm more of an Arena kid but yeah they always have those Maxim/FHM tendencies. GQ's other versions seem to interest me more. I just haven't been too fond of the American version lately.

Unknown said...

Steve - they've got Fantastic Man at Selfridges, was there at the weekend...I got mine in Paris tho (at Colette, no less!) Perhaps time to start a good magazine shop instead! xS


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