The whole interview is well worth a read but the final two questions are my favourites...
Jean-Marc Masala: Do you think a new breed of male customer emerged since you opened.
Matew Murphy: Yes, definitely. Before we opened, men’s fashion was about buying jeans and t-shirts, it was the only thing that was sold to men (unless you consider the extreme opposite - cutting edge stuff from Pineal Eye). Then this new consumer appeared. He wanted a bit more than that, and we could offer him a choice. That’s why we are now taken a bit more seriously. It does not matter if the customer is a young gay guy or a middle age architect; he is a person who needs to find the designer that works for him. You match them up; you then have a loyal customer.
Jean-Marc Masala: And finally, who is the b man?
Matew Murphy: A constant reference and inspiration for the collection is David Bowie, through all his different periods but mainly late 70's early 80's..........he is the ultimate b man.
Now get them to make tie bars and cufflinks.
That is down to us Mr Wong. The world is still crying out for our mid priced accessory range and well, I'm bored at work and want to do something new. Shall we get down to it?
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