Happy Socks are a recently formed Swedish label currently attempting to conquer the world of fashion socks. We are told that they were created on a rainy Sunday afternoon (most of my best plans are hatched during this scene) and the label is determined to give the world a mood boost with a blast of colour. "We design the kind of socks we want to wear ourselves, simple as that”, says Creative Director Viktor Tell. There can be little doubt that colour has an affect on our moods but unfortunately we often over look our feet. I must admit that before I fell in love with the colours on offer at Uniqlo I only ever wore socks in monochrome shades...at a push navy but now I just love my colourful socks. However you like to dress your feet Happy Socks is well worth a visit. We hope that they don't just stop at conquering the world of fashion socks but go forth and the conquer the world. The time for a colourful sock revolution is now.
Wow all the vibrant colors! I like the graphics socks. I myself have a few colourful pairs from Topman. Still use them every day, although they're tearing apart. hehe.
Nothing's cooler than an outfit with muted hues save one or two shocking elements of color. One of my favorite things is a pair of electric blue socks.
Guys that have to suit up formally for work, but must as a point of integrity retain some sense of personality, know the power of strategically placed color.
Now, I want more socks in as many colours possible! and probably more on the crazy patterns and colour combinations! haha
oh my, this is my dream!
Aaah, fun fun fun! I want more socks (polka dots, checks, stripes) but my drawer is so full already!
I have a habit of losing my socks, where they go nobody knows! I think it's important to have fun with your socks. They can pretty dull really, so why not inject some colour and design into them.
Yes, yes and yes, I always wear colourful socks, they have to match my outfit lol. And the uniqlo ones are truly brilliant, 3 for £7!
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